A letter to god oneshot summery with PYQs 2024

                ●  A letter to God


A farmer named Lencho worked like an ox in his cornfield.
• He used to look at the sky every day, hoping for a little rain.
• One day Lencho's dream came true, dark clouds appeared in the sky and it started raining.
• Lencho looks at the raindrops and says, the big drop is equal to 10 cents and the small drop is equal to 5 cents.
• Suddenly the weather changes and the rain turns into a hailstorm and ruins the entire crop of lencho.
• Seeing all this, Lencho's soul is surrounded by a mountain of sorrow, he says that there is a better grasshopper eating the crop than this, which also gives some crop ends.
• Lencho says God cannot keep anyone hungry. Lencho writes a letter to God, asking for His help.
• He writes, O God, if you do not help me, this year I and my entire family will remain hungry. He asks for 100pesos to grow the crop again.
• After that he placed a stamp on the letter and dropped it into the mailbox 📫.
• Then,
     After that a postman comes and passes the letter laughingly to the postmaster.
• After seeing the letter, the postmaster also starts laughing, but after some time his face becomes serious. He had never seen such a case in his career where someone had such great faith in God.
• The postmaster decided that Lencho's faith should be maintained in this way, he collects 70 pesos little by little from his salary and from the staff and replies to the letter and sends it to Lencho through mail.
• When Lencho receives the mail he is not surprised at all. On the contrary, he gets angry and writes another letter to God and says in it "Give me my remaining 30 pesos directly. Do not send it through mail because out of 100 pesos, I have received only 70 pesos. The remaining pesos have been distributed among the post officers. They're all a bunch of swindlers/crooks.

                                   》》summery written by satyam

Character sketch of lencho
Lencho is the main character of the story ‘A letter to God’.
1. A poor man : Lencho is a poor farmer. But one year his crop was completely destroyed by hailstones. Nobody helped him. He was helpless and sad.
2. Firm faith in God : Lencho had firm faith in God. He believed that God would help him in misery. He would not let him die in hunger.
3. Simple and innocent : Lencho was very simple and innocent. He wrote a letter to God and requested to send him 100 pesos. He did not know that it was impossible. He was not surprised to have an envelope with money. He believed that it was from God.

⚠️⚠️ Here is some important wordmeaning ⚠️⚠️

1. Downpours:      मूसलाधार वर्षा
2. Shower       :      बौछाड़
3. Intimately   :       परिचित
4. Preparing supper :  रात्रि भोज की तैयारी
5. Crest           :         कलगी
6. God willing :         ईश्वर की कृपा हो
7. Predicted    :         भविष्यवाणी की
8. Approaching :       निकट
9. Pleasure of feeling : अनुभूति का आनंद
10. Exclaimed  :         कहा
11. Draped        :       लिपटी
12. Hailstones  :      ओले
13. A plague of locust  :    टिड्डी का प्रकोप
14. Evident        :    प्रत्यक्ष
15. Bunch of crooks :  बदमाशों का झुंड :


●  Questions and Answers   😃😃

1. What did lencho hope for ?(लेंचो ने क्या आशा की थी?)
Ans : lencho was a farmer and he hope for downpour or at least a shower for his crop.

2.   Why did lencho say the raindrops were like new coins ? (लेंचो ने क्यों कहा कि बारिश की बूंदें नए सिक्कों की तरह थीं?)
Ans: Corn crops needs a downpour or at least a shower to grow more . So that is why lencho said that rain drops were lile a new coins (big drops are ten cent and small drops are five cent.)

3.   How did the rain change? what happened to lencho's field ?(बारिश कैसे बदली?  लेंचो के खेत का क्या हुआ?)
Ans: When a strong wind began to blow with very large Hillstone began to fall. The rains were change and destroy lencho's corn 🌽  field.

4.   What were lencho's feeling when the hail stopped?(जब ओलावृष्टि रुकी तो लेंचो को क्या महसूस हुआ?)
Ans: Lencho soul was filled with sadness when he saw his cornfield, and said that a plague of locust would have left more than this.

5. Who or what did lencho have faith in ? what did he do?(लेंचो को किस पर या किस पर विश्वास था?  उसने क्या किया?)
Ans: Lencho  have great faith in God. He wrote a letter to god for demanding hundred pesos to regrowing his crop.

6. Who read the letter ? (पत्र किसने पढ़ा?)
Ans: Lencho's letter was read by the postmaster.

7. What did the postmaster do then ?(तब पोस्टमास्टर ने क्या किया?)
Ans: First of all, the postmaster laughing after read the letter. But after some time he changed his mode on serious, he realized that Lencho have great faith in God. If lencho's didn't get any reply  of his letter, his faith  was shaked in god so that the postmaster contribute seventy's pesos and send it to the lencho via mail.

8. Was lencho surprised to find a letter from him with money in it?(क्या लेंचो को पैसे वाला एक पत्र पाकर आश्चर्य हुआ?)
Ans: No, lencho was not surprised to find a letter from him with money in it.

9. What made him angry?(किस बात पर उसे गुस्सा आया)
Ans:  Lencho became angry after seeing only 70 pesos in the envelope of the letter.  He said, God can never make a mistake.  Surely the post office employee has stolen my 30 pesos.
                                    _ oral compression ncert.


Thinking about the text:

1. Who does lencho have complete faith in? (  लेंचो को किस पर पूरा भरोसा है?) Which sentence in story tell you this.
Ans: Lencho have great faith in god. Do your self..

2. Why does the post master send money to lancho? why does he sign the letter to 'God'?( पोस्टमास्टर लेंचो को पैसे क्यों भेजता है?  वह 'भगवान' को लिखे पत्र पर हस्ताक्षर क्यों करता है?)
Ans:  see question number 7.

3. Did lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him? Why or why not?(क्या लेंचो ने यह पता लगाने की कोशिश की कि उसे पैसे किसने भेजे थे?  क्यों या क्यों नहीं?)
Ans: No, lencho didn't try to find out who had sent the money.
Due to great faith in God.

4. Who does lancho think has taken the rest of the money? What is irony in the situation?( लैंचो को क्या लगता है कि बाकी पैसे किसने ले लिए?  स्थिति में विडंबना क्या है?)
Ans: Lencho think that the rest of his money were taken out by the post office employers.
Lencho have Great faith in god and he didn't try to find that really god sends money to him is iorny situation.

5 and 6 do your self.



1. Why was Lencho angry when he received the letter?

2.Where was Lencho’s house located? Why did he sit seeing the sky?

3.What were Lencho’s feelings when he found the letter with money in it? What did he do after opening the letter?

4.What did Lencho write in his second letter?

5.How did Lencho’s hope change to despair?

6.What did the postmaster need to answer the letter? How did he collect it? How did Lencho react to the help?

7.Who does Lencho have complete faith in? Which sentences in the story tell you this?

8.How did the hailstorm shatter Lencho’s hope and dreams?

9.The Post Master represents the people who still believe in helping others. Mention those values of the Post Master which you would like to emulate. Write it in about 80-100 words.

10.How did Lencho and his family react to the calamity?

11.What was the only ‘One hope’ Lencho had?

12.Why did Lencho become angry when he counted the money?

13.How did the postmaster help Lencho?

14.Lencho addresses the post office employees as a ‘bunch of crooks’, why? Give reasons in support of your answer.

15. How did postmaster react seeing Lencho’s letter?
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