Carbon and it's compound class 10th detailed notes part 1

                  Carbon and it's compound 

 Carbon:Carbon is a chemical element with the symbol C and atomic number 6. It is a non-metal with a diverse range of allotropes, including diamond and graphite, and serves as the foundation of organic chemistry due to its unique bonding capabilities.

Compounds of Carbon: Carbon compounds, also known as organic compounds, are molecules containing carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bonds. These compounds form the basis of life and include a variety of substances such as hydrocarbons, alcohols, carboxylic acids, and polymers. Carbon compounds play a crucial role in biology, industry, and everyday life.

Elemental Carbon:

• Allotropes: Carbon exists in various allotropes, including diamond, graphite, graphene, and fullerene. Each allotrope has distinct properties based on the arrangement of carbon atoms.

• Diamond: Consists of tetrahedral carbon atoms bonded in a three-dimensional crystal lattice, making it one of the hardest substances.

• Graphite: Features layers of hexagonally arranged carbon atoms, allowing easy sliding between layers, giving it lubricating properties.

• Graphene: A single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, known for its exceptional strength, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity.


Diamond 💎

• Structure:
• Diamond has a tetrahedral crystal lattice structure, where each carbon atom forms four strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms in a three-dimensional arrangement.

• The strong and rigid nature of this structure contributes to the hardness of diamonds.

• Physical Properties:
• Hardness: Diamond is one of the hardest known substances, making it suitable for cutting, grinding, and drilling applications.

• Transparency: Diamonds are transparent due to the orderly arrangement of carbon atoms, allowing light to pass through.

• Optical Properties:
• Refraction: Diamond has a high refractive index, causing light to slow down and bend when passing through, resulting in the dispersion of colors seen as "fire" in diamonds.

• Dispersion: Diamonds exhibit a high degree of dispersion, separating light into its spectral colors.

• Electrical Conductivity:
• Diamond is a poor conductor of electricity because all valence electrons are involved in covalent bonds and are not free to move.

• Formation:
• Diamonds form deep within the Earth's mantle under high pressure and temperature conditions.

• They are brought to the surface through volcanic eruptions in kimberlite pipes.

• Industrial Applications:
• Beyond their use in jewelry, diamonds have industrial applications due to their hardness. They are used in cutting, grinding, and drilling tools.

• Synthetic diamonds are also used in electronics, as they can function as semiconductors under specific conditions.

• Symbolism:
• Diamonds are often associated with symbols of enduring love and are a popular choice for engagement rings.

Diamond's unique combination of hardness, optical properties, and rarity contributes to its value and broad range of applications in both industrial and ornamental contexts.


• Structure:
• Consists of carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal sheets, forming a two-dimensional planar structure.

• Each carbon atom is bonded to three others, creating a network of strong covalent bonds within the layers.

• Properties:
• Lubrication: Weak forces between the layers allow them to slide over each other easily, imparting a slippery feel. This property makes graphite an effective lubricant.

• Conductivity: Graphite conducts electricity due to the presence of delocalized electrons within its layers.

• High Melting Point: The strong covalent bonds within the layers result in a high melting point for graphite.

• Soft and Brittle: Although it is hard in the vertical direction (between layers), it is relatively soft and brittle in the horizontal direction.

• Uses:
• Pencils: The layers of graphite in pencil "leads" leave a mark on paper due to the sliding action of layers.

• Lubricants: Graphite's slippery nature makes it suitable as a lubricant in various applications.

• Electrodes: Used in electrodes for batteries and electrolysis processes.

• High-Temperature Applications: Due to its high melting point, graphite is used in applications involving high temperatures, such as in crucibles for metal melting.

• Occurrence:
• Found naturally and is a common mineral. It is often mined and processed for various industrial applications.

Graphite's unique combination of properties makes it a valuable material in both industrial and everyday applications.


• Structure: Graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, resembling a honeycomb pattern.

• Carbon Bonds: Each carbon atom forms three sigma bonds with neighboring atoms, creating a stable two-dimensional structure.

• Properties:
• Exceptional Strength: Graphene is incredibly strong, even though it is just one atom thick. It has a tensile strength over 100 times greater than that of steel.

• Electrical Conductivity: Due to its unique electronic structure, graphene is an excellent conductor of electricity. Electrons move through it with little resistance.

• Thermal Conductivity: Graphene also exhibits high thermal conductivity, making it an efficient heat conductor.

• Transparency: Despite being a single layer of atoms, graphene is transparent, allowing light to pass through.

• Applications:
• Electronics: Graphene's high conductivity makes it valuable for electronic applications, potentially revolutionizing the field of semiconductors.

• Materials Science: It is used to enhance the mechanical and electrical properties of various materials.

• Sensors: Graphene-based sensors can detect a wide range of substances, showing promise in environmental monitoring and medical diagnostics.

• Energy Storage: Graphene is explored for applications in batteries and supercapacitors due to its conductivity and large surface area.

• Challenges:
• Production: Large-scale production methods are still being developed to make graphene economically viable.

• Integration: Integrating graphene into existing technologies poses challenges, but ongoing research aims to address these issues.

Graphene's unique combination of properties has spurred significant interest in research and development across various scientific and industrial fields.

Fullerenes are a class of carbon allotropes that consist of molecules entirely composed of carbon atoms, forming a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, or tube. The most common and well-known fullerene is Buckminsterfullerene, also known as C60, named after the architect Buckminster Fuller due to its resemblance to geodesic domes.   

Characteristics of Fullerenes:

• Structure:
• Buckminsterfullerene (C60) has a spherical shape with 60 carbon atoms arranged in a series of interlocking hexagons and pentagons, resembling a soccer ball.

• Other fullerenes can have different numbers of carbon atoms, leading to various shapes.

• Discovery:
• Fullerenes were discovered in 1985 by Harold Kroto, Robert Curl, and Richard Smalley, who were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1996 for this discovery.

• Properties:
• Fullerenes exhibit unique physical and chemical properties.

• They are stable and have a high resistance to heat and chemical reactions.

• Some fullerenes, like C60, can act as electron acceptors or donors, making them useful in certain electronic applications.

• Applications:
• Medical Applications: Fullerenes have potential applications in medicine, including drug delivery systems and diagnostics.

• Materials Science: They are used in the development of new materials, such as superconductors and high-strength materials.

• Nanotechnology: Fullerenes are integral to nanotechnology, with applications in various nanomaterials and devices.

• Carbon Nanotubes:

• Carbon nanotubes, which are cylindrical structures, can be considered a type of fullerene.

• They share the unique properties of fullerenes, including strength and electrical conductivity.

The discovery of fullerenes opened up a new field of research in carbon chemistry, nanotechnology, and materials science, with ongoing exploration of their potential applications in diverse scientific and industrial areas.


Amorphous carbon refers to a type of carbon that lacks a well-defined, ordered crystalline structure. Unlike crystalline forms such as diamond or graphite, amorphous carbon is characterized by a random and disordered arrangement of carbon atoms. Several forms of amorphous carbon exist, and they display a range of physical and chemical properties. Here are some common examples:

• Charcoal:
• Formation: Produced by the incomplete combustion of organic matter, such as wood.

• Properties: Porous and often used as a fuel or absorbent due to its high surface area.

• Carbon Black:
• Formation: Produced by incomplete combustion or thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons.

• Properties: Fine particles of amorphous carbon used as a reinforcing agent in rubber products and as a black pigment in inks and paints.

• Coal:
• Formation: Result of the accumulation and transformation of plant material over millions of years.

• Properties: Various types of coal (bituminous, anthracite, etc.) with different carbon content and properties.

• Amorphous Carbon Films:
• Formation: Deposited as thin films in processes like chemical vapor deposition.

• Properties: Used in electronic and optical applications due to their unique properties.

• Activated Carbon:
• Formation: Created by heating carbonaceous material to high temperatures in the presence of a gas that doesn't react with carbon.

• Properties: Highly porous structure with a large surface area, making it effective for adsorption in applications like water purification.

The lack of a specific, repeating arrangement in amorphous carbon gives rise to diverse properties, making it useful in various industrial, technological, and scientific applications.

2. Organic compounds

Organic compounds are a broad class of chemical compounds that contain carbon atoms, typically bonded to hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, or other carbon atoms. These compounds form the basis of life and are essential to the structure and function of living organisms. Here are some key characteristics and examples of organic compounds:


Carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bonds are a fundamental type of chemical bond found in organic compounds. Here are key characteristics of C-H bonds:

• Abundance in Organic Compounds:

• Predominance: C-H bonds are prevalent in organic compounds, forming the backbone of many molecular structures.

• Bond Nature:

• Covalent Bonding: C-H bonds are covalent, meaning the sharing of electrons between carbon and hydrogen atoms.

• Hydrocarbons:

• Main Component: Hydrocarbons, compounds consisting only of carbon and hydrogen, showcase C-H bonds prominently.

• Saturated Hydrocarbons: Alkanes are examples with single C-H bonds.

• Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: Alkenes and alkynes contain double and triple C-H bonds, respectively.

• Chemical Stability:

• Relatively Stable: C-H bonds are generally stable under normal conditions, contributing to the overall stability of organic molecules.

• Role in Functional Groups:

• Influential in Functional Groups: C-H bonds are often part of functional groups, such as in alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic compounds.

• Reactivity:

• Limited Reactivity: C-H bonds themselves are relatively unreactive compared to other functional groups, but their presence influences the overall reactivity of a molecule.

• Bond Energies:

• Strength: C-H bonds have moderate bond energies, requiring a certain amount of energy to break.


Functional groups are specific arrangements of atoms within organic molecules that impart characteristic chemical properties to those molecules. These groups replace one or more hydrogen atoms in a hydrocarbon. Here are some common functional groups:

Hydroxyl (-OH):
   - Example: Found in alcohols like ethanol.
   - Properties: Makes the molecule polar, contributes to the alcohol's ability to form hydrogen bonds.

Carbonyl (C=O):
   - Aldehydes: Carbonyl group at the end of a carbon chain (e.g., formaldehyde).
   - Ketones: Carbonyl group within the carbon chain (e.g., acetone).
   - Properties:Involved in reactions related to oxidation and reduction.

Carboxyl (-COOH):
   - Example:Present in carboxylic acids such as acetic acid.
   - Properties: Acts as an acidic group, can donate a proton.

Amino (-NH2):
   - Example: Amines, like ethylamine.
   - Properties:Acts as a basic group, can accept a proton.

Phosphate (-PO4):
   - Example: Found in molecules like ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
   - Properties: Involved in energy transfer and storage.

Sulfhydryl (-SH):
   - Example:Present in thiol compounds.
   - Properties: Can form disulfide bonds, important in protein structure.

Methyl (-CH3):
   - Example: Methyl groups in compounds like methane.
   - Properties: Often serves as a non-reactive substituent, affecting molecular shape and properties.

● Ester (-COO-):
   - Example: Found in ester compounds.
   - Properties: Involved in the formation of fats and oils.

Ether (-O-):
   - Example: Present in compounds like diethyl ether.
   - Properties:Often used as solvents.

Halide (-X):
    - Example: Halogenated compounds like chloroform.
    - Properties: Influences reactivity, can participate in substitution reactions.

Functional groups play a crucial role in the reactivity and behavior of organic molecules, allowing chemists to predict and understand the properties of diverse compounds based on their structural features.

Hydrocarbons are organic compounds consisting exclusively of hydrogen and carbon atoms. They are fundamental in organic chemistry and can be classified into two main types: aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons:
   - Saturated Hydrocarbons (Alkanes): Only contain single bonds between carbon atoms.
     - Example: Methane (CH₄), ethane (C₂H₆), propane (C₃H₈).

   - Unsaturated Hydrocarbons (Alkenes and Alkynes): Contain double or triple bonds, respectively.
     - Example (alkene): Ethene (C₂H₄).
     - Example (alkyne): Ethyne (C₂H₂).

Aromatic Hydrocarbons:
   - Structure: Contain a specific ring structure, often with alternating single and double bonds.
   - Example: Benzene (C₆H₆) is a classic aromatic hydrocarbon.

Properties and Uses:
   - Energy Sources: Many hydrocarbons, especially alkanes, serve as fuels (e.g., gasoline, natural gas).
   - Industrial Feedstock:Hydrocarbons are crucial in the production of various chemicals and materials.
   - Natural Occurrence:Found in fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas.

   - Structural Isomers: Hydrocarbons with the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements.
     - Example: Butane (C₄H₁₀) has two structural isomers, n-butane and isobutane.
   - Geometric Isomers (in alkenes):Different spatial arrangements around a double bond.

   - Saturated Hydrocarbons: Relatively inert, undergo combustion reactions.
   - Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: Show greater reactivity due to the presence of double or triple bonds.

6. Substitution and Addition Reactions:
   - Alkanes:Primarily undergo substitution reactions.
   - Alkenes and Alkynes: Undergo addition reactions due to the presence of double or triple bonds.

》》 Important Classes of Organic

Alkanes (Saturated Hydrocarbons):
Examples: Methane, Ethane, Propane
General Formula: CnH2n+2

• Alkenes (Unsaturated Hydrocarbons with Double Bonds):
Examples: Ethene, Propene
General Formula: CnH2n

• Alkynes (Unsaturated Hydrocarbons with Triple Bonds):
Examples: Ethyne, Propyne
General Formula: CnH2n-2

• Aromatic Compounds:
Examples: Benzene, Toluene
Feature a ring structure with alternating single and double bonds.

• Alcohols:
Examples: Methanol, Ethanol
Functional Group: -OH (Hydroxyl group)

• Ethers:
Examples: Dimethyl ether, Diethyl ether
Functional Group: -O-

• Aldehydes:
Examples: Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde
Functional Group: -CHO (Carbonyl group at the end of a carbon chain)

• Ketones:
Examples: Acetone, Propanone
Functional Group: -CO- (Carbonyl group within a carbon chain)

• Carboxylic Acids:
Examples: Formic acid, Acetic acid
Functional Group: -COOH (Carboxyl group)

• Esters:
Examples: Ethyl acetate, Methyl salicylate
Functional Group: -COO- (Carbonyl and ether linkage)

• Amines:
Examples: Methylamine, Ethylamine
Functional Group: -NH2 (Amino group)

• Amides:
Examples: Acetamide, Formamide
Functional Group: -CONH2 (Carbonyl and amino group)

● Halogenated Compounds:
Examples: Chloroform (CHCl3), Bromobenzene
Contain halogen substituents (Cl, Br, F, I).

● Thiols (Mercaptans):
Examples: Methanethiol, Ethanethiol
Functional Group: -SH (Sulfhydryl group)

Examples: Dimethyl sulfide, Diethyl sulfide
Functional Group: -S- (Sulfide group)

Examples: Acetonitrile, Benzonitrile
Functional Group: -CN (Cyano group)

Heterocyclic Compounds:
Examples: Pyridine, Furan, Pyrrole
Contain a ring structure with at least one non-carbon atom (N, O, S) as part of the ring.

● Organophosphorus Compounds:
Examples: Dimethyl phosphate, Triphenylphosphine
Contain phosphorus-carbon bonds.

Examples: Glucose, Sucrose
Serve as energy sources and structural components in living organisms.

● Lipids:
Examples: Triglycerides, Phospholipids
Include fats, oils, and other compounds important for biological functions.

● Proteins:
Composed of amino acids linked by peptide bonds.
Essential for cellular structure and function.

● Nucleic Acids:
Examples: DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
Carry genetic information in living organisms.

Alcohols are organic compounds that contain a hydroxyl (-OH) functional group attached to a carbon atom. The general formula for an alcohol is R-OH, where R represents an alkyl group. Alcohols can be classified based on the number of carbon atoms bonded to the carbon bearing the hydroxyl group. Here are some key points about alcohols:

• Classification:
• Primary (1°) Alcohols: The carbon with the hydroxyl group is bonded to one other carbon atom.
-  Example: Ethanol (CH₃CH₂OH).

• Secondary (2°) Alcohols: The carbon with the hydroxyl group is bonded to two other carbon atoms.
-   Example: Isopropanol (CH₃CHOHCH₃).

• Tertiary (3°) Alcohols: The carbon with the hydroxyl group is bonded to three other carbon atoms.
- Example: Tert-butyl alcohol [ (CH₃)₃COH].

• Physical Properties:
• Solubility: Small alcohols are soluble in water due to the ability to form hydrogen bonds.

• Boiling Points: Generally higher than those of corresponding hydrocarbons due to hydrogen bonding.

• Chemical Properties:
• Acidity: Alcohols can act as weak acids by donating a proton from the hydroxyl group.

• Oxidation: Primary alcohols can be oxidized to aldehydes and then further oxidized to carboxylic acids.

• Dehydration: Removal of water from alcohols to form alkenes.

• Uses:
• Consumable Alcohol: Ethanol is widely used in beverages.

• Solvents: Methanol and isopropanol are used as solvents.

• Intermediate in Synthesis: Used in the synthesis of various organic compounds.

• Biological Significance:
• Metabolism: Ethanol is metabolized in the liver by alcohol dehydrogenase.

• Physiological Roles: Some alcohols play essential roles in biological processes.

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